
The material we use is carefully hand picked from across the whole latinamerican continent. We obtain the goods by direct commerce and always let the circumstances around the trading in question determine how the deal is made. Cash is sometimes the last thing the retailer needs and conclude therefore the purchase through other means. Sometimes we dig them out on our own or through reciprocal barter. In many isolated places where money is completely worthless, we pay instead with labor. Through this direct contact, we avoid intermediaries and can therefore guarantee our goods ecological purity. Our wholesalers are miners, nomads, musicians, spiritists, fishermen, artists, activists, guerrillasoldiers, policeofficers, soldiers, natives and many more personalities who shares, enjoyes, suffers and constitutes the essence of this untamed continent.

The material we work with is silver plated, better known as alpaca, and is an alloy of three metals, especially copper and zinc. The other major product we use is waxed Brazilian polyester thread. These two form the heart of our jewelry creations and are solely responsible for the great variety of designs and styles we have today! We also make jewelry at demand, where you decide the color, pattern and minerals etc.

Apart from these two mother materials, we are also equipped with an arsenal that gets the most stubborn critic to throw the towel!

From the mineral kingdom, we offer:

Peru: Serpentine, Onix, Onix Caramel, Jade, Rose Quartz, Tigrillo, Leopardita, Aragonita, Tiger Eye, Sandstone,

Mexico: Rainbowobsidian, Silverobsidian, Goldobsidian, Obsidian Manta Huichol, Red and green amber,

Colombia: Yellow amber, Quartz

Chile: Lapis Lazuli, Sodalita

Brasil: Amazonite, Amatist

Guatemala. Jade

Argentina: Rodochrosita

Bolivia: Bolivianita

From the animalkingdom we offer:

Because of the Earth's emaciated condition everything in this category should be regarded as a luxuryware. We have obtained very little material from the animal kingdom where we can guarantee its "greeness". This means, unfortunately, that our range of bone and teeth are very limited. Resellers can not make orders from this category. We offer instead individuals these natural jewels as part of a finished piece of jewelry. This is what we have at our disposal right now:

Jaguar teeth, Jaguar skull, Ocelot skin, Anaconda vertebrae, Anaconda ribs, wild boar teeth, sea lion teeth, crocodile teeth, shark teeth, Guacamayo feathers, Guacamayo beaks, Guacamayo claws, monkeyskulls, Apskelett, Sloths skull, Sloth skeleton complete, Gigantic cockroachwings, Pelicanbones ( to make Quenas with), Red and Purple Spondylus, Nacar, Avalon

From the plant kingdom, we offer:

Seeds: Wayruro, Wasai, Tagua, Achira

From ancient times, we offer:

Fossils from Megalodont; Teeth and vertebra

Fossilized wood from them petrified forests

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